All Things about K Drama 'Birthcare Center'

  • By 김미영
  • Posted on 26 December, 2022, 1:00 pm
  • Updated on 27 December, 2022, 3:23 am

Birthcare Center is a one-of-a-kind drama based on the author's own experience. It contains no original material. It was pre-produced and finished all of the filmings, and it was made in eight episodes. Is this for real? Every episode of tvN's new drama "Birthcare Center" has refreshed its mythology, building a consensus with viewers since its first broadcast.

The Birthcare Center portrays a realistic world of labor and postpartum care that has never been shown in a drama. Marriage, pregnancy, and birthing materials have occurred frequently in a variety of theaters, although the majority of them were employed as a tactic to aid characters' tales, and even this was glorified. However, the drama "Birthcare Center" is a reality that no other drama can compare to.

Source: tvN

The "Birthcare Center" has added B-class sensibility to the extraordinarily realistic content to avoid boredom. The Grim Reaper appeared in front of the eyes at the peak of the pain, and the appearance of families delighted with the birth of their children was expressed as a samba festival, and the appearance of entering a new world of childcare while leaving the hospital door was expressed comically in a disaster film.

Viewers are likewise pleased with the program. Viewers who went through childbirth gave the Birthcare Center positive feedback. They stated that they wanted to be able to experience the world they didn't know, even if they were unmarried women or men who had never given birth.

출처: tvN

1. Plot of Drama ‘Birthcare Center’ 

 It is a passionate noir drama in which Hyun-jin, the company's youngest executive and the hospital's oldest mother, grows up alongside her coworkers via disaster-like childbirth and adjustment to postpartum care facilities.

The tvN Monday-Tuesday drama "Birthcare Center" explores the contradiction between a woman's role as a mother and the identity that she experiences as a background of a postpartum care center. After giving birth to a child, Hyunjin Oh (Um Ji-won), the youngest managing director of a huge corporation, becomes the oldest mother at a postpartum care center.

She was recognized more than anybody else at work, but since joining the postpartum care center, she has discovered that she is referred to as a "mom of glue" rather than her given name. It promotes motherhood and claims that it is a mother's prerogative to sacrifice for her children. The Hyunjin Oh who has carved out his identity as a Hyunjin Oh director is unsure where he should stand in this place that imposes her identity as a mother. The satire and comedy are vivid, but the criticism of the parental reality that the Birthcare Center touches and the culture that forces motherhood is cruel.

Source: tvN

Cho Eun-jung (Park Ha-sun), who emerges as a motherhood icon and forces it on mothers around her, and Lee Luda (Choi-ri), a new-generation mother who believes that moms are happy when their offspring are happy, demonstrate how society forces motherhood and instills sacrifice in women.

The appearance of the character Oh Hyun-jin, who is caught between her roles as a director and a mother, highlights the reality that working mothers are obliged to live as mothers, as well as the problem of career interruption that is also produced. Working women have frequently been depicted in the drama as contradictory creatures caught between jobs and parenting. The concept of "one-family gain" frequently arises in the reality that attention to gender equality is increasingly necessary, but employment and childcare are still difficult to coexist. "Isn't the maternal myth that parenting is fully up to the mother, of course, at the price of the mother, and even that it is the mother's happiness?" questions this piece. “Isn't it concealing what society should share responsibility for?”

2. What Kind of Place is ‘Birthcare Center’?

It is the only place on the planet where grown-up ladies with nothing in common, such as age, job, or school, immediately become friends in just three minutes after meeting simply because they both had children at the same time. This is a postpartum facility.

A postpartum care center is a nursing institution that has specific facilities and personnel to help moms care for themselves after giving birth to children. Professional neonatal care is provided by a nurse-turned-teacher, three nutritious meals prepared by a hotel chef, a beautiful garden for the mother's recovery and healing, and first-rate massage services. People are speaking in unison. The postpartum care facility is heaven, so enjoy the heaven that will never happen again.

The woman who became a "God" mother, on the other hand, is not as joyful as this heaven. A cow's existence, which includes feeding and milking every three hours day and night, is also filled with seminars and lectures that she must attend in order to be a good mother. Despite the fact that she is a mother, she is still uncomfortable and unknown to moms during the transition time before becoming a mother. Before becoming moms, there were many vital activities for women to do here. However, all relationships formed over their lives, including routine and stable everyday life, work, and love, have changed dramatically in a single birth.

Women who are still more accustomed to their mother's life and people who must adjust to a new life are the subjects of the story "Birthcare Center."

3. Characters


Source: tvN

Ohhyunjin as (Eom Ji-won)

42 years old. A mother of a dog. Acetic acid. Managing Director of a Large Enterprise

She has worked for the organization for 18 years this year, making her the youngest managing director and the oldest mother at a postpartum care facility. a career lady who believed that getting married, becoming pregnant, and having children were nothing more than a runaway locomotive for success. Hyunjin's age was already unknown when she met Doyoon, a sweet younger man, and was successful in getting married. She tried to become pregnant quickly, but it was difficult because she was old. She gave up and tried to have a level head, but she found out that she was pregnant the day she was promoted to become the youngest director. However, the baby in her arms at the time of delivery was not attractive and he was unable to feel anything. However, she could not feel the overpowering feeling or the delight of having everything in the world at the time of labor because the infant in her arms after suffering was not attractive. With her infant in tow, Hyun-jin visited the postpartum care facility feeling ashamed, uncomfortable, and afraid as a mother. She also wondered, "Am I really qualified as a mother?" In a warm environment, she will strengthen her body and mind in order to hasten her reinstatement in three months. Although she does her best in both her mother and managerial duties, reality doesn't support her.


Source: tvN

Choeunjeong as (Pak Ha-seon)

33 years old. Love's mom. Kyongsan. full-time housewife

The queen bee of postpartum care center! Full-time professional mother! Multi-child mom with beauty, parenting skills, and husband's love. She had an extremely bloated face, well-combed hair, a white jade complexion, and a Cheongdam-dong daughter-in-law look a few days ago. He insisted on giving birth to pure naturalism, refusing to give birth to the painless anesthetic, and gave birth to his son twins, and the third kid born this time likewise gave birth to natural childbirth. Her love for children is also one-of-a-kind, so she is a passionate parenting mom who raises children with all of her body and mind, including a character infant food created with care every day, sensible twin kids look coordinator, and a mother's art class at home. Eun-jung's parenting records on SNS are always clogged with various mothers' "likes" and complimentary remarks like "I want to mimic" and "Be outstanding." As an experienced mother of multi-tasking parenting, she became the center of the mother's universe as soon as she entered the cooking center because she was famous for being an influencer mother on social media. She is the postpartum care center's queen, admired by moms for having a caring professional golfing husband, even though she envies her brilliant sons.


Source: tvN

Choi Hye-sook as (Jang Hye-jin)

55. postpartum care center director

Serenity Postpartum Care Center's mother and the Newborn's president. A mysterious power to quickly put an infant to sleep. He is a baby doctor who understands everything about the infant as a former nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Twenty years ago, the first postpartum care center that was created with severance money and loans was simply a hit. Serenity Postpartum Care Center, a top-class cookery center for the upper class, has since become a sensation among celebrities, business owners, and young moms in Gangnam, making it one of Korea's top three postpartum care centers.


Source: tvN

Kim Do-yoon as Yoon Park 

35 years old. Hyunjin's husband. App development startup CEO

An appearance-oriented fool who only knows his wife is the last of the world's best. He vowed to live as a decent husband before becoming a good father after witnessing his wife, Hyun-jin, give birth to a pendulum at a late age.

Despite being a respected CEO and the founder of a growing enterprise that develops apps, he is actually the immature fireman's wife who is eager to placate Hyun-heart. jin's I was anxious every day at that time because I didn't know how to handle Hyun-jin, who developed a greater sensitivity to childbirth. He feels as though he can see through his wife's eyes thanks to his father, Jun-seok, who initially arrived through the teachings of his father.

Source: tvN

4. Planning Intentions and Topic Consciousness

"The focus was on the notion that 'the experienced person may sympathize with it,'" Park Soo-won, head coach of "Birthcare Center," said. As a result, when we went to an episode that began with a real consensus regarding the baby, we received a lot of advice from experts. He remarked, "I attempted not to miss the detailed historical evidence of holding and caring for the newborn by receiving advice from the head of the cooking center."

"It was critical for us to be a fun drama, even in the perspective of someone who didn't have a baby." People who don't talk too narrowly or who don't have children don't try to talk about topics they don't know because it's entertaining. "I focused on the imagination and metaphor insert for fun like this," he explained. "It was really enjoyable not only for those who had experienced it during internal processes but also for those who had no childbirth." "I think viewers will like it," he stated confidently.

Source: tvN

"Women genuinely wanted to capture the story with their works," said director Park Soo-won of the opportunity to direct the work. "When there are only women, a lot of wonderful things happen. It's actually more enjoyable without guys. "I've been thinking for a long time that it would be fun to produce stories with raw women and things that deal with them," he remarked.

"I first learned about the struggles I have endured after giving birth while preparing for this work," he admitted while performing "Birthcare Center." "I didn't realize there was sorrow, remorse, and pain underneath my mother's praised parenting like Jang Hye-jin's sentence in the drama," he explained. "I wanted to talk about it and open it together because that's what I learned."


Source: tvN
Source: tvN
Source: tvN

5. Evaluation

Women in their 20s and 30s and women with birthing experience are mainly seen. According to several assessments, it is a refreshing eastern medication that blows against a motherly-driven culture. It is a work that stands out from the previous drama because of the novel material and the composition of the plot that elicits empathy.

It is typically highly received for demolishing the prejudice and cliché of the established play, "Mothers develop motherhood immediately as soon as a child is born," as well as for its accurate portrayal of actual births of women.

Source: tvN

There was also criticism of Korean-style sex education, which teaches about sperm and eggs without an explanation of sex, contraception techniques, pregnancy symptoms, the delivery process, and postpartum depression. I agree with the statement "Don't have a baby for the sake of women themselves." Some responses, like running for the top, were inconsistent with their initial aims.

It has been determined that Hyun-jin's belly, which initially appears at the start of the first episode, is accurately portrayed. Stretch marks and bulging navels are notable examples of realistic performances.

6. Digression

Birth Care Center's scenario writer Kim Ji-soo is rumored to have heavily drawn from personal experience when writing the script. The scene in which Hyun-jin sobs while trying to breastfeed but no milk comes out is based on the experience of author Kim Ji-soo.

"There was a birth process that no one told me about," the author claimed. Mom doesn't only have happiness, the argument went. Instead of a nicely packaged parenthood, I felt it would be interesting to have an honest and realistic experience.

As the author, Kim put it, "When I entered the culinary center, I thought about my body, physical strength, and intellect, which had been injured more than I anticipated, rather than about childcare." and said, "I was afraid, 'Can I bear responsibility for that small life for the rest of my life?' as parenthood progressively became a reality for me as I gradually recovered. Hyun-jin places a lot of blame on himself, lamenting that he "can't believe I'm a mother like myself" and that "I assume I don't deserve a mother." "The emotions Hyun-jin feels are the same emotions I had when I gave birth to my first child."

Source: tvN

For the drama's writers, "development" in particular, was crucial. Kim, the author, stated, "Even if it doesn't match the standard mother's pattern, I wanted it to be seen as a narrative of people who develop and grow through childbirth." Already, you're a good mother. It's acceptable if you don't perform well right away. He stated, "I just began. I desired to discuss those topics. I didn't forget to mention my dad's growth in addition to that of my mother.

Author Kim addresses "The Solidarity Between Dads" in both a humorous and in-depth manner in the second episode of "Birthcare Center." "Those spouses are a little awkward, but they are becoming fathers, so I wanted to convey them in a sweet and lovely way," the author Kim said of the fathers she spoke with. "There were many husbands who were embarrassed by their emotional wife at the postpartum care facility."

There were even lighthearted worries that the Postpartum Care Center might advocate "avoidance of childbearing," given how realistically it presented the challenges associated with childbirth and childcare. According to author Kim, "what I wanted to convey was not, 'So let's not give birth to this terrifying thing,'" but rather, "I wanted to explain that women who give birth are moms, yet it's natural to be terrified, and it's difficult and missing."

Although "Birthcare Center" is about a woman who has just given birth, it ultimately centers on her mother and how she grows as a result of the change. I believe a large number of individuals may relate to that. The last message said, "You should be a happy mother," but in my opinion, a happy mother is one who cares for herself just as carefully as she does for her child while also not feeling guilty. A happy mother, in my opinion, is one who can be open about her wants.

7. ‘Birthcare Center’ Actor's reaction

 "I don't think there has ever been a drama that deals with scenes concerning milk so honestly, for a long time and pleasantly," remarked actress Um Ji-won. Mothers determine how much they are willing to give up for their children, such as nursing Holly for two years, going through a natural birth, or spending a lot of time in daycare after numerous kids. Mothers' nuanced and complex world following the birth of passion. There is only one goal that mothers want, however, I don't comprehend all about it. He continued, “I attempted to understand the character while thinking a lot about my mother's heart. I want to be a decent mother.”

Actress Park Ha-sun said, "I think is the Bible of childbirth and childcare, and is the Bible of Seaworld. "It would have been really helpful if I had seen it before marriage," he said.

Source: tvN

In "Birth Care Center," Park Ha-sun stated that she identified with Hyunjin Oh's (Um Ji-won) birth scene at the play's opening. "Even if you anticipate and foresee your child's birth, it can be challenging to convey your various emotions when you are faced with a small creature. I question whether I actually gave birth to him. Strangely, I'm terrified. Sometimes I find it difficult to describe him as attractive when I first encounter him. I felt sorry about it because that is how the script had it written."

Additionally, Park Ha-sun added, "It makes me feel pleased to hear the assessment that Park Ha-sun can behave in such a manner." by means of this work. He continued, "In addition, I was unable to work for almost two years after delivering birth while I recovered. I believe my appearance is naturally mirrored since everyone experiences loneliness and because such human traits are ingrained into the character. The emotional enrichment that comes from labor, marriage, and parenthood has been greatly nourished. His acting has greatly improved, and he now appears more desperate. He remarked, "In the past, it was possible since I was merely young and attractive, but today I know that I will be disqualified if I am not a competent actor."

I wasn't working, but it was the best thing I ever did, he said to console himself. I saw many different types of artwork during that time, and it served as medicine for me. On the other side, he added, “I questioned whether I had used those times to do this assignment.”


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